NameEmelie Brindle DÄLLENBACH
Birth28 Aug 1794, Bévilard, Switzerland
DeathLiberty Township, Fairfield County, OH
Birth21 Apr 1796, Switzerland
Death21 Jun 1849, Liberty Township, Fairfield County, OH
Son (Died as Child) (-<1847)
Notes for Emelie Brindle DÄLLENBACH
Emelie Dällenbach was born 28 Aug 1794, probably in Bévilard, Switzerland. She was baptized 31 Aug 1794, probably in the same location. She emigrated to America in 1817 with her mother, Henriette, and her brother, David Franz. It appears that the family first settled in Fairfield County, Ohio as both Emelie and David were married there. David soon moved just across the county border, while Emelie stayed in Fairfield Co. Emelie married Henry Switzer on 8 July 1818 in Fairfield County, Ohio. Henry was born 21 April 1796 (as calculated from his headstone), probably in Switzerland or Germany, but perhaps in Ohio. He was probably the son of Jacob Switzer whose will was recorded in Fairfield County and mentions a wife Eve, a son Henry, as well as other unnamed heirs. Henry and Emely had a total of ten children, but three died before Emely, and probably died as infants as their names are unknown. Emely died of 'winter fever' or 'inflamation of the lungs' on 10 February 1847 most likely at their home in Liberty Township in Fairfield County. She was buried in the Old Basil Cemetery. After Emely passed away, Henry had an eleven year old daughter, Sarah Ann, who needed a mother. Henry married Elizabeth, the widow of William Brindle sometime after Emely died in February 1847 and before he wrote his will in Feb 1849. Henry wrote his will on 22 February 1849 and died 21 June 1849. He was buried next to Emely in the Old Basil Cemetery.
Emelie's given name was variously listed in documents as Emelie, Emily, Emilia, and Amelia. Her surname was most often listed as Dellenbach, but also Dällenbach, Dillenbach, Dallenbach, and Tellenbach.
A copy of Emely's eulogy was recently discovered inserted into a travelling Methodist minister's journal. A transcription of this eulogy is listed below:
“This departed Sister was Born of her Christian parents David Dellenbach and Henrietta Garode in Canton Bern in Switzerland the 28th day of August 1794 Soon after She was inititated by the Holy ordinance of Baptism into the Christian Church and received the name Emely.
“In her 16th year She was instructed in the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Religion By the Rev. Himmele
“In the year 1817 She together with her mother and Brother emigrated to America.
“In the year 1818 She entered in to the matrimonial state with Henry Switzer the present berieved and disconsolate widower.
“There were born unto them 9 children, 5 Sons & 4 Daughters, whereof 4 (namly) 2 sons and 2 daughters have gone to their Long homes before her
“She died on Wednesday evening at about 4 o.Clock. She brot her pilgrimage upon this troublesome world to 52 years 5 months and 13 days - her last sickness was inflamation of the Lungs or winter fever, Which lasted about 2 weeks, She endured all her last Suffering with Christian patience.
“She left behind a berieved and mourning husband. - 3 Sons, 2 daughters, & 4 Grand children besides many other good friends and relatives.”
Source: Dällenbach - Switzer family website